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How Do I Give Myself the Best Chance to Breastfeed Successfully?

Breastfeeding your baby is the most rewarding and fulfilling feeling ever and no mother should let go of it easily. It comes naturally to all mothers and breast milk is the best source of nutrition for the baby for the first six months. It has antibodies which help fight any bacteria or virus that the child might interact with. The risk of respiratory illnesses, diarrhea, asthma, diabetes, obesity and ear infections is also far less. Mothers feel concerned about their supply and opt for bottle feed, if any mother has doubts regarding milk supply try lactating cookies made of all-natural herbs to combat a steady, strong and abundant supply for the little one.

First time mommies can get overwhelmed by the plethora of instructions, information and suggestions that friends and family can hurl on them regarding the topic of breastfeeding. As far as I think, this journey is very personal and private; mommies can learn from their own mistakes, take their own risks and do things in their preferred way or style. In order to have a home run in breastfeeding, moms-to-be must be very much committed and resolute in their decision to breastfeed. Make up your mind before delivery as this process starts right after you deliver the baby.

Things to do to boost your Chances of Successful Breastfeeding

Start Right After you deliver

The secret to efficacious breastfeeding is to start it within the first hour of birth, I know that time passes in a whirlwind but that is the best time. The colostrum is the first milk that comes out of your breasts and it is very good for the baby. The skin to skin touch promotes a healthy relationship between the mom and new baby. It also gives the vital signals to the hormones to produce milk to cater the demand.

Educate yourself

Mommies must educate themselves about this new responsibility on their shoulders and shouldn’t just throw themselves to the sharks. Join breastfeeding classes that show and tell everything about it and open your mind on so many things. Every mom should have a strong support team of family members and friends. Also consult a good lactation expert for any queries you can have during the journey.

Stock up on Supplies

Get a couple of good nursing bras, nursing pads, right size flanges, creams for any sore nipples and comfortable pajamas to take on this challenge in a resilient and diligent stride.

Spend Nights Together

Sharing the bed together with your new born baby the whole night can be a very important step toward a fruitful breastfeeding process. It endorses breastfeeding frequently and not only increase milk supply; it also makes the baby feel secure and results in a fulfilled, happy and healthy baby.

Work for that Latch

The best way to make sure you’re on the right track with your breastfeeding journey is to make sure that the baby is having the right latch. The success of breastfeeding relies on a good latch. Moms mostly blame themselves for a low supply of milk and start with lactating cookies and teas, whereas the culprit can be the bad latch.


All moms can experience this beautiful phase of motherhood, just relax and don’t be so hard on yourselves. Don’t compare yourself with others and take good care of your diet and water intake. Feed the baby on demand rather than following schedules and exclusively feed for at least 6 months. All this can make your breastfeeding journey and success!

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